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Feel the Burn: Caregiver Burnout

Somehow you became a caregiver for your loved one with a dementing illness. For some people, they chose the caregiver path, for others, the caregiver path chose them. It could be that your parent declined and had to move in with you, your spouse was diagnosed a few years ago and now he or she cannot be left alone - however it happened, you are now the person caring for another. Most of the caregivers I know are happy to do it. They are happy to take care of a parent who took care of them, happy to be able to provide for their spouse. However, as time goes on you find out that being a caregiver is tiring. It’s thankless. It’s not always satisfying. It’s not financially profitable. You are always on the clock. Caregiving is a big job. Huge in fact, and you are at risk for burnout.

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